Three Main Facebook Pillars: Copywriting, Sales Accelerator, Media Buying

Three Main Facebook Pillars: Copywriting, Sales Accelerator, Media Buying

To be successful with Facebook Ads you will need to consider three main pillars


Copywriting is broken down into:

  • Here’s what I’ve got.
  • Here’s what it will do for you.
  • Here’s what I want you to do next.

The top line of your copy is the most important on Facebook. Why? Because it grabs your attention.

The purpose of a strong headline is to stop your prospect and get them to read the 2nd line. And then the 3rd, 4th, and so on.

To do this you need to massively appeal to their desires and pains. The formula for this is straight forward because it is exactly what our prospects needs.

  • “Our Breakthrough {PRODUCT} Solves {PAIN}!”
  • “The #1 lesson I learned from {PAIN}”
  • “The {PAIN + SOLUTION} we all been waiting for!”

Then after this, you can move on the result and make sure to back up the claim you made in your headline. You want to make sure you talk about things that make you different from the competition.

PILLAR 2: Sales Accelerator

The secret behind this is to have creatives.

Not just any creatives. The ones that will have your ads crushing the market and outperforming everything and anything. 

The best example is product demos – the ones that show the before and after. 15 – 30 seconds long.

Example: Let’s say you are selling a Makeup kit.

  • First 3-5 seconds. A woman with a lot of pimples. Oily face.
  • 5-10 seconds. Picking up a product. Showing the logo
  • 10-15 seconds. Using the product
  • 15-20. Showing your beautiful face. 

You’re showing a demonstration to the Market that your product works, therefore, this starts the process of their mindset thinking this will work for them too.

Here’s the thing. Creatives die around 5-7 days. So you always have to be producing new creatives.

TIPSend out an email to your clients/customers telling them they will be featured on your Brands page. And all they have to do is record themselves using the product. Tell them to keep the videos under 1 minute or else they will not make it on the page.


You are required loading up a Campaign with 4-5 Winning Audiences and turn up the budgets. 

What will happen is most likely the majority of ad sets will be turned off leaving around 3 or more ad sets killing it. These ad sets will make up for the loss. Then, later on, more ad sets will be created and 3 or 4 will perform the next day.

Lookalike audience purchasers work but only relying on that is dumb. You have Lookalike audiences from people who watched 95%, 75%, 50%. 

You can re-target the past ones who saw the videos and didn’t purchase. Re-target Add to Cart Audience. Manual bids. And so much more …

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