Do Real Estate Agents Need to Start Using Facebook Chatbots?

Do Real Estate Agents Need to Start Using Facebook Chatbots?

Facebook Chatbots are all over the place. There is so much buzz around it: Chatbots will replace email marketing, mobile apps and even customer service agents. There is no surprise that 80% of all businesses are planning to integrate chatbots. But can Facebook Messenger Chatbots be repurposed for Real Estate agents?

From my observation, 20% of potential leads are coming from Facebook Messenger. Because not everyone has time to jump on a call immediately. Messenger gives flexibility and comfort for potential leads when talking to a brand.

With Chatbots, you are able to reduce your headache from communicating with tons of unqualified leads by automating it.

What are Facebook Chatbots?

Simply said, a chatbot is a piece of automated messaging software that uses AI to converse with people.

Bots are programmed to understand questions, provide answers and execute tasks. And that is instant! Therefore it saves customers time and makes it much easier to communicate with a real estate business.

Benefits of using Chatbots for Real Estate Agents

Since clients and prospects changed the way they prefer to communicate, R/E agents need to adopt. In the past, most of the communication happened through phone calls and emails. However, nowadays, it is shifting towards SMS and instant messengers (ex.WhatsApp or Facebook).

The truth is, that potential clients prefer to communicate is a way that is convenient, fast and mobile-friendly. Fortunately, Facebook Messenger Chatbots comes into play to help real estate businesses with that, especially, if you are running Facebook Ads.

Chatbots allow Real Estate agent to:

  • Reply to a potential lead instantly and build trust and rapport with your brand
  • Pre-qualify lead before even talking to him
  • Automatically collect the lead’s contact information and use it for further communication
  • Set up a FAQ flow that answers the most popular questions, as a result, saves you time
  • Show dynamic content according to the lead’s needs (a type of homes, condos, etc.)
  • Re-engage with those leads who contacted you via chatbot

How to get started

For building Real Estate Chatbot and automate it, I suggest using the Manychat platform. It provides you with a great visual interface, so it makes it easier to configure a Facebook Chatbot. They also have a ton of articles on how to get started with a bot from scratch.

As for my personal suggestions, I find the following flows to help you with daily automated communication between your real estate business and prospects:

  • Welcome Flow: briefly introduce yourself as soon as prospects are connected
  • About me Flow: Elaborate on your background, experience and success stories
  • My Services Flow: Expand on your main services
  • Buyer and Seller Flows: Time to pre-qualify a lead with a series of questions. Also, set up a personal notification when questions answered to be ready to jump on a call with that lead
  • Contact me Flow: provide prospects with contact information (phone number, email, office address)

Attached below are screenshots of the flows one of our clients is currently running. It might give you an idea of how to configure your own Facebook Chatbot.

Facebook chatbot
Welcome Flow
Facebook chatbot
Buyer Flow to qualify leads
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